How to Hack The Box To Your OSCP (The Extra Boxes)

How to Hack The Box To Your OSCP (The Extra Boxes)


Are you ready to feel the fun of KNOWING how to hack?

In this course you will learn how to build a modern hacking lab.

You’ll learn how to master the latest tools and attacker tradecraft for compromise victim environments.

You’ll finally feel the pleasure and freedom of knowing what you’re talking about.

I had a BLAST creating this course for you guys and I’m so excited to share all the awesome with you.

In this course you will learn:

  • ping (for recon)
  • nmap
  • rustscan
  • whatweb + Wappalyzer
  • Burp Browser (why you should say NO to FoxyProxy!)
  • feroxbuster
  • kerbrute
  • ldp
  • ldapsearch
  • crackmapexec
  • smbclient
  • How to install Impact from scratch (because you know… it always breaks)
  • getTGT
  • GetUserSPNs
  • What the heck a SPN is anyway! You’ll learn that – finally
  • hashcat
  • Silver Tickets
  • ticketer
  • How to manually convert passwords into NTLM hashes
  • SQL Commands
  • How to build a reverse shell in Powershell
  • rlwrap
  • netcat
  • iconv
  • xxd
  • base64
  • PEAS-ng (winPEAS)
  • Powershell Remoting
  • evil-winrm
  • Reverse Engineering .NET Binaries
  • Wireshark
  • Insecure Deserialization
  • ysoserial
  • JuicyPotatoNG
  • Persistence Mechanisms
  • Beyond Root: Threat Hunting the Attack
  • Beyond Root: Mitigations

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