How To Build Cyber Security and Networking Labs 2

How To Build Cyber Security and Networking Labs 2


You ever have the feeling that you sort of know what something is but… well not really?

Like, you’ve read about it on blogs and books. 

You’ve watched Youtube videos about it.

You’ve heard your coworkers and vendors talk about it.

It’s all around you.  And you feel like everyone thinks you know it too…

After all you should.. shouldn’t you? But in the back of your mind you know you can play this acting game much longer.

Acting like you know what you’re talking about (when you really don’t) and feeling a little guilty or insecure about it is known as Imposter Syndrome and my goal… my purpose… my MISSION in this course is to ERASE that feeling from you.

You see.. this isn’t just a course that you sit back and watch or stream on your phone while waiting in line to pick up your kid.

No, this is a hands-on workshop, that if you follow, has the potential to completely change your life.

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