High Availability Cluster with Proxmox and Ceph

High Availability Cluster with Proxmox and Ceph


This course will help you to build your first High Available and Scalable Cluster which will be easy to extend with extra storage space or add extra compute power with NO downtime. The cluster will remain up, even in a case when one or more servers go completely down.

This course includes essential knowledge and skill which will help you to build your first production ready redundant cluster with Proxmox and Ceph. Both Proxmox and Ceph are proven by time technologies.

Proxmox is a Virtualization platform that includes the most wanted enterprise features such as live migration, high availability groups, and backups.

Ceph is a reliable and highly scalable storage solution designed for performance and reliability. With ceph storage, you may extend storage space on the fly with no downtime at all! My goal to show that Ceph is not a black magic box, but a smart solution which can be easy to install and manage

This is an introductory course which aimed to help to obtain essential skills and knowledge to build your first High Availability Cluster.

If you heard or even tried OpenStack, but found it either too complicated for your environment, then the most likely you will enjoy this course as it is aimed for small deployments.

Please note that at the moment I was writing the course the version of Proxmox was 5.2, but the information provided in the course isn’t obsolete yet.

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