Google Cloud Digital Cloud Leader Certification Crash Course

Google Cloud Digital Cloud Leader Certification Crash Course


Join in on this course that covers in detail the Certification that can get you started with Digital Transformation quickly.

The Google Cloud Platform Cloud Digital Leader Certification is targeted towards business professionals such as marketers, C Level and sales teams.

A Cloud Digital Leader can articulate the capabilities of Google Cloud core products and services and how they benefit organizations. The Cloud Digital Leader can also describe common business use cases and how cloud solutions support an enterprise.

You will find that after the course you will fully understand how to perform the following tasks or have the proper discussions.

  • Explain what cloud technology is and the top reasons the cloud era is revolutionizing business
  • Craft an ideal transformation challenge for your organization
  • Identify components of a security program to build into your transformation journey
  • Build a business case and summary page for your overall transformation project using the templates provided

The Cloud Digital Leader exam is job-role agnostic and does not require hands-on experience with Google Cloud.

The Cloud Digital Leader exam assesses your knowledge in three areas stated by GCP:

  1. General cloud knowledge
  2. General Google Cloud knowledge
  3. Google Cloud products and services

The course has these exam objectives fully covered. Every module has an assessment as part of the knowledge checks provided. A full mock exam exam is also included.

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