Newline - Fullstack ASP.NET Core and React Masterclass Learnify

Fullstack ASP.NET Core and React Masterclass

How The Course Works
Learnify is a self-paced, online Masterclass, where you will master ASP.NET CORE and React by building a practical, real-world application from scratch.

Everything you need to build a real SaaS application
Learnify goes beyond other courses by covering every detail required to build a real, production-ready, application with ASP.NET Core and React.

By the end of this course, you will be able to

Know how and why to use the Repository and Specification pattern.
Understand design patterns in .NET Core.
Use ASP.NET Identity for login and registration.
Utilize React Router for routing.
Centralize state in React using Redux toolkit.
Integrate Automapper to shape data in ASP.NET Core.
Use Axios to make API calls in React.
Build a custom, visually appealing UI (without an external library).
Set up Sass in React.
Add Course Rating, Page, Sort, Search and Filter features.
Use Redis as in-memory database to store cart items.
Accept payments via Stripe using the new EU standards for 3D secure.
Deploy ASP.Net projects to Heroku.

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