Flutter Course for Beginners - Learn Flutter from Scratch

Flutter Course for Beginners – Learn Flutter from Scratch


List Of Contents:

Section I – Introduction, Installation and Flutter Basics :

01.  Introduction

02.  Installation & Setup

03.  Files, Structure and Stateful vs Stateless

04.  Material App

05.  Scaffold

06.  Container

07.  Asset Images & Network Images

08.  Columns & Rows

09.  Expanded & SizedBox

10.  Understanding Constraints & FittedBox

11.  Shared Preference

Section II – Navigations in Flutter : 

12.  Navigation With Navigator

13.  Navigation With Named Routes

14.  Navigation With OnGenerate() & ModalRoute()

15.  Navigation & Send Data Across Screens

Section III – List and Grid Views in Flutter :

16.  Listview

17.  Gridview

18.  Staggered GridView

19.  Reordable ListView

Section IV – Animations in Flutter :

20.  Hero Animation

21.  Animated Container

22.  Animated Opacity

23.  Animated Page Route

Section V – Local Databases in Flutter :

24.  Hive Database

25.  Hive Theme

26.  SQLite Database

Section VI – GetX in Flutter :

27.  Route Management

28.  Advanced Features and APIs

29.  State Management and Dependency Injections

30.  Shared Preferences

31.  Dynamic Theme

32.  Todo App Using GetX

Section VII – Firebase Integration With Flutter :

33.  Firebase Setup

34.  Asynchronous Programming

35.  Future Keyword

36.  Firebase Google Authentication

37.  Firebase Screen Models

38.  Firebase CRUD Operations

39  Geolcation

Section VIII – Flutter Advanced :

40.  Send Email with Attachments in Flutter

41.  Upload Flutter Project On Github

42.  Geolocation and Geolocator Plugin in Flutter

43.  QR Generator and Scanner

44.  Create and Preview PDF in Flutter

45.  Payment Gateway Integration with Flutter

Reasons to learn Flutter : 

  • Increasing Demand for Flutter Developers : Flutter Developers’ demand is increasing day by day in the job market as almost everyone is moving towards Native app development for which Flutter is very much relevant. Even many experienced developers who are in the development domain for many years are finding Flutter more preferable.
  • Larger Community : Think if you got stuck in any programming error and nobody is near you to guide what’s wrong. So, as a developer what’ll you do? Right, you search your error on Google or in a browser and you’ll find a similar problem with a solution. And that’s where the role of the larger Flutter community comes! The Flutter developers community has seen exponential growth in the last few years on different QA forums such as Stack Overflow, etc.
  • Better Documentation : Indeed, well-prepared documentation is also very essential for any framework or language to make a good standing in the market and Flutter has awesome and fully organized documentation where you can easily learn the syntax and other required concepts in detail. Also, as Flutter contain lots of library and widgets and you can easily find all these on Flutter documentation.
  • Fast Development & Time-Effective : Flutter supports the fast development process and saves a lot of time for the developers. Firstly, with the help of various enriching widgets, you can easily create a creative UI/UX design for your applications. Also, it is quite easy with Flutter to apply all the changes and to fix bugs instantly. Moreover, with Flutter, there is required less time to spend on testing and deployment of the application.
  • Easy to Learn : Flutter is comparatively easier to learn and if you know JAVA priorly then it becomes more convenient and easier for you to command over Flutter. Also, as Flutter uses Dart programming language, you need to be proficient with the language. You can start to learn Flutter via watching video tutorials and reading the official documentation.

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