Firebase Authentication Tutorial

Firebase Authentication Tutorial

The Google application development suite, Firebase, brings an entire toolkit to app developers who are looking for an all-in-one solution for developing in iOS, Android and web environments. Using Firebase, you can track your app’s analytics, instruct your app to report and automatically fix itself when it crashes, even create marketing experiments.

This training focuses on authenticating users with Firebase. If your app will need to have registration, signing in or secured transmissions, you need to know how to authenticate user sessions. This course will make sure the apps you develop with Firebase have secure users and safe sessions.

Once you’re done with this Firebase Authentication Tutorial training, you’ll know how to set up users and authenticate their identity with the Firebase application development software from Google.

For anyone who manages software developers, this open source training can be used to onboard new software developers, curated into individual or team training plans, or as an open-source reference resource

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