Exploring AWS IoT

Exploring AWS IoT


This course explores the various features of device to cloud communication using Amazon AWS IoT Core on a AWS  free tier account.  

Before the course starts we need an AWS free tier account, a local installation of the AWS CLI tool, and installation of the MQTT.fx testing tool (all free).  After this is set up we will program inexpensive, WiFi enabled embedded devices such as the ESP8266, ESP32, and Raspberry Pi to communicate with AWS IoT Core with MQTT. 

We will take advantage of free “Internet of Things” (IoT)  development environments, like Mongoose OS in JavaScript, Arduino in C, Zernyth in Python, AWS FreeRTOS in C,  and the AWS IoT SDK in both JavaScript and Python for the Raspberry Pi to program our inexpensive WiFi devices.

You will need at least one or more of the following devices to transmit data to AWS IoT.  Alternately, you can send JSON test payloads from IoT Core directly, imitating a IoT device.  The course continues on with programming our embedded devices to send data from the device to the AWS cloud.  To transmit our data we will use the built in MQTT broker on our devices firmware, sending JSON encoded sensor data, to the AWS IoT console.

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