Ethical Hacking & Bug Hunting Buffer Overflow For Beginners

Ethical Hacking & Bug Hunting Buffer Overflow For Beginners


The primary goal of this course is to provide you with practical exposure to the world of bug hunting. After taking this course, you will have a better understanding of the approaches (reverse engineering, exploit development) that bug hunters use to find security vulnerabilities. You will learn how to exploit Buffer Overflows on Windows systems. This is an initial course and begins from the very basics of exploitation and is beginner-friendly.

The difficulty is that most IT professionals do not have the general software development background required to begin the subject of buffer overflow. This course cuts down the technical subjects of computer memory management, controlling code, and data inside of a working program, and exploiting poor quality software into terms that IT people with no software development knowledge can understand.

A buffer overflow is a popular software coding error that an intruder could use to take control over your system. To efficiently decrease buffer overflow vulnerabilities, it is necessary to understand what buffer overflows are, what threats they act to your applications, and what methods attackers use to successfully exploit these vulnerabilities.

In this course, you will learn how to use different tools such as Immunity Debugger, Mona library for Immunity Debugger, Metasploit, msfvenom, Spike, File Fuzz and much more. This course is intended to be practical.

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