Emerging Technologies From IPD to IoT

Emerging Technologies: From IPD to IoT

Prior understanding of IoT

The general concept of IoT entails direct communication between separate devices, apparatuses, and other hardware without the intervention of humans. Improved connections within one network on a global scale allow for easy access to a variety of information.

Simply put, the Internet of Things is the process of connecting all physical components and things on the planet to the internet.

Course Overview

This course covers the development of Internet of Things (IoT) products, such as sensing, actuation, processing, and communication devices, in order to help you gain skills and experience that you may apply to new system design. Finally, you’ll learn how to use the Arduino IDE Platform to create an ECG monitoring and home automation system project. This program will take a total of 5 weeks to complete, with learners spending 4 to 6 hours per week for learning and practicing the quizzes.

Why IoT

Revolutionized: Virtual connections have enabled everyone to access physical devices. One of the main reasons for this is the Internet of Things.

Accelerate your career: People and businesses are looking for ways to improve their processes in order to deal with the data that surrounds us. It is now impossible to imagine a product without IoT Technology, whether it is a smart watch, a smart home, or a medical device.

Build: In 2020, nearly 8 devices per person was connected to the Internet. Create IoT projects to make our job as easy as possible.

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