Embedded Electronics Bootcamp From Bit to Deep Learning

Embedded Electronics Bootcamp From Bit to Deep Learning


Hardware Technologies to be taught:

  • FPGA
  • Raspberry PI
  • Arduino
  • ESP32 (Node MCU)

Programming Languages to be taught:

  • C
  • Python
  • VHDL

Communication and Cloud Technologies to be taught:

  • UART
  • SPI
  • MQTT
  • Node-Red
  • Hivemq

Techniques to be taught:

  • Combinational Logic Design
  • Sequential Logic Design
  • FSM
  • Control Units
  • Tinker CAD
  • Digital and Analog Signals
  • Interrupts
  • Android Control
  • Remote Control
  • RTOS
  • Semaphores
  • Mutexes
  • Sharing Resources
  • Queues
  • Parametrized Tasks
  • Structures
  • Linux
  • Basics of Artificial Intelligence
  • Neural Networks
  • Deep Neural Networks
  • CNN

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