Django 3 – Build Portfolio Project with Django from Scratch


Hey guys, Welcome. First of all i thank you guys for choosing my course “Django 3 – Build Portfolio Project with Django from Scratch“.  I am going to assure you that this will be the best and the most easiest course you will ever learn.

I have built this course keeping complete beginners in mind. Before you get started you need to know more basics like, what is Django and why it is used for.

Well, Django is a Web Development Framework which is built with the help of Python. Recently Django has gained a lot of popularity because of the increase in demand of python skills.

Talking about Python you need to have some basic skills in Python before you get started with Django. You don’t need to be an expert. You just need some basic skills. But if you are familiar with Python, then I assure you you are going to love this course.

One of the biggest advantage of Django is that is fast, if you already have a concept in mind, you can build your project quickly and easily.

For example, in this course we already know that we are going to build a Portfolio project with Django and it get easier for us because we already know what we want to build.

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