Digital Feedback Control Tutorial with Arduino

Digital Feedback Control Tutorial with Arduino


Learn how to implement real-time digital controllers or compensators on the Arduino hardware for feedback control applications!

This short tutorial aims to take the theoretical knowledge of discrete-time systems and controls typically taught in undergraduate and graduate engineering curriculum, and apply them to real life applications of control systems. Often times university courses provide students with projects that end with MATLAB simulations and thus never allow the students to relate them to practice. In this short course, you’ll hopefully be able to work your way from the theoretical understanding of sampled-time systems and Z-transforms, all the way to C implementation on the Arduino hardware!


1. Why Digital Control ?

2. Brief Overview of the Z-Transform

3. Discretization of Continuous-Time Controllers (Tustin’s Method)

4. Implementation of Discrete-Time Systems on Arduino

5. Digital Controller Design Process (6 Steps)

6. Brushed DC Motor Speed Control: Obtaining the Transfer Function of a 34:1 12V Gearmotor

7. Brushed DC Motor Speed Control: Digital Controller Design

8. Brushed DC Motor Speed Control: Real-Time Implementation on the Arduino

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