Devops In Aws Cloud With Codecommit, Codebuild, Codedeploy

Devops In Aws Cloud With Codecommit, Codebuild, Codedeploy


As software and application developers, we strive to provide customers and users with the best possible software. But doing this in a rapidly changing technological landscape isn’t a simple task. Clients expect a constant flow of updates and upgrades. They also expect seamless deployment with no interruptions to services. From creating, testing and updating mobile apps to microservices, developers are constantly juggling a myriad of working, moving parts to deliver services. DevOps has made things a little easier for developers, but the time has come for a more dynamic, flexible and automated process to take over. Enter: Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment, or as it is commonly called, the CICD pipeline. CICD is an integral part of modern software development, and is an amalgamation of two key processes, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment. The CICD pipeline helps reduce errors during integration, shorten testing cycles, and make deployments more efficient, with optimized time to market.

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