Develop Discord Bots with Python Beginner to Advanced

Develop Discord Bots with Python Beginner to Advanced


  • A Discord account
  • A computer running Mac, Windows, or Linux
  • An understanding of basic programming is helpful but NOT required
  • Ability to perform basic algebraic operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide)


In this course, you will learn how to develop your very own Discord Bot using Python programming. If you are new to coding, do not worry. I will go over the fundamentals of python as well as explain the code thoroughly. If you are an experienced programmer, do not worry either! You have the ability to skip sections that you are already familiar with. The course will cover a wide range of Discord Bot topics such as Events, Commands, Permissions, Voice, Data Organization, and APIs.

Throughout the course, you will create several projects that will utilize the skills and techniques taught in the lectures. Some projects include Reaction Roles, Moderation Bot, Music Bot, Leveling Bot, Economy Bot, and Weather Bot. You will learn how to write effective and robust code that will ensure your bot can handle user errors. Most importantly, you will learn how to navigate and use the Discord Py Documentation, which will allow you to add 100s of features to your bots even after completing the several course projects.

If you ever find yourself needing help with your code, you will have access to an online community that will offer you assistance. In addition, at the end of each section, I will provide access to the downloadable code. I look forward to teaching you and I can not wait to see the awesome bots you create!

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner to Advanced coders interested in learning how to develop Discord Bots
  • Those wanting to learn how to code in a fun and creative way
  • Those interested in Python programming
  • Discord users who want to create something for their server

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