Designing lecturer management system with CodeIgniter & AJAX

Designing lecturer management system with CodeIgniter & AJAX

How to make lecturers management system using PHP Codeigniter and AJAX is a video tutorial for beginners intermediate and

advanced users to learn the basic and advanced concepts of php codeigniter. In this video of developing lecturers management

system we have covered many functionalities which will give you complete grip and confidence to start developing your own

applications.In this series we will covering interesting functionalities which are the needs of modern technology, we will

be covering the functionalities such as,

– This course will cover all basic and advanced concepts of PHP CodeIgniter AJAX and jQuery.

– Clear understanding of MVC framework.

– A thorough knowledge of using AJAX and jQuery with PHP CodeIgniter.

– Learning everything about performing basic operations on MySQL database such as CREATE, READ, UPDATE and DELETE.

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