DDOS Attack Course

DDOS Attack Course


Course Overview

Denial of Service (DoS) online course, you will explore the realm of DoS attacks, gaining a solid understanding of their mechanics and implications on network infrastructure and services. The course begins by covering the fundamentals, including how DoS attacks work, their effects, and methods to detect and respond to them. You will learn about various types of DoS attacks, such as flood attacks, amplification attacks, and application-layer attacks

As you progress, the course delves into mitigation techniques to protect against DoS attacks. You will discover network filtering, load balancing, and firewall configurations to prevent or minimize the impact of DoS attacks on systems and networks. The course also covers advanced topics, including distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, which utilize multiple sources to amplify the assault. You will learn how to employ traffic analysis and packet filtering to detect and mitigate such attacks

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