Learn commonly used databases in Flutter and their advantages and disadvantages, such as SQLite, Supabase, etc.

Database Technologies for the Flutter Framework


Managing data in your application is one of the most important issues that determines the performance of the application. This is because the application’s performance and scalability largely depend on how the data is managed. Slow or fast data storage has a significant impact on the user experience, so choosing the right database is crucial for your application.

The course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of various database technologies that are useful and applicable in Flutter, one of the most popular frameworks for mobile application development. The course will cover the fundamentals of database schemes in Flutter, such as schema design and database architecture, as well as their importance in data management.

The course will introduce the commonly used databases and their advantages and disadvantages, including relational databases such as SQLite, Supabase, and PostgreSQL, as well as NoSQL databases such as Firebase Realtime Database, Appwrite, and AWS Amplify. The pros and cons of each database will be discussed in detail to help you choose the right database for your application.

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