Create reverse shell WITHOUT using Public IP or Port forward

Create reverse shell WITHOUT using Public IP or Port forward

In this course I will walk you through, how you could build a full working python shell without using IP or PORT forwarding method. Hope you will find useful tips to think outside a box when you always try to build your own program. We use the Simple mail transfer protocol, instead of the SOCKET protocol. I was trying to navigate many of the course published on Udemy but didn’t find a course who use SMPT protocol more than in a keylogger apps. So in this course, I try to take this program to next level, and I build a full script that works even better than what we can build using the SOCKET protocol. Just to list some of them you don’t need to use the IP/Port forwarding method to make your program work outside the local area network. SO you could just use this type of shell outside your network as simple as it is.

DISCLAIMER this course is for educational purposes only.

SMTP servers are complicated, and if you’re just dipping your toe into the how-email-gets-sent world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. To help you navigate your email sending, we’ve put together a list of the most common SMTP server questions we receive, so you’ll be an SMTP expert in no time.

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