Create a Text Generation Web App with 100% Python (NLP)

Create a Text Generation Web App with 100% Python (NLP)

GPT-3 is a state-of-the-art text generation natural language processing (NLP) model created by OpenAI. You can use it to generate text that resembles text generated by a human.

This course will cover how to create a web app that uses an open-source version of GPT-3 called GPT-Neo with 100% Python. That’s right, no HTML, Javascript, CSS or any other programming language is required. Just 100% Python!

You will learn how to:

  1. Implement GPT-Neo (and GPT-2) with Happy Transformer
  2. Train GPT-Neo to generate unique text for a specific domain
  3. Create a web app using 100% Python with Anvil!
  4. Host your language model using Google Colab and Paperspace


NONE!!! All of the tools we use in this tutorial are web-based. They include Google Colab, Anvil and Paperspace. So regardless of if you’re on Mac, Windows or Linux, you will not have to worry about downloading any software.

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