Computer Vision OpenCV Python YOLO Deep Learning in Colab

Computer Vision OpenCV Python YOLO Deep Learning in Colab

Course includes-

  • The introduction and importance of Computer Vision (CV).
  • Difference between Image Processing and Computer Vision
  • Introduction and Installation to OpenCV Python
  • Working of OpenCV
  • How to work in google colab
  • Image Operations like Load, Display,Save,Resize and Color Changing using OpenCV Python
  • Draw rectangle using opencv
  • Drawing Functions in OpenCV Python- Line, Rectangle, Circle , Ellipse , Polygon and PutText
  • Face Detection in an image using OpenCV
  • Display only face of the image
  • Detect and display the largest face in image
  • Count no. of faces using OpenCV
  • How to take a picture from live web cam using OpenCV – Video Processing
  • Capturing frame by frame images from camera using OpenCV – Video Processing.
  • Play Video from a file in OpenCV – Video Processing
  • Saving a Video using OpenCV – Video Processing
  • Gaussian Blur in OpenCV.
  • Find Contours in an image using OpenCV
  • Find Threshold in images using OpenCV
  • Display edges of an image using canny edge detection in OpenCV

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