Complete Raspberry Pi 247 Hosting Course

Complete Raspberry Pi 24/7 Hosting Course


Want to save hundreds of dollars per year in hosting costs?

Want to have full control over how your apps are hosted?

If you answered yes to both questions, this course is for you!

This course teaches you all you need to know to start hosting with your RPi.

You will learn:
– What is bash and why it’s used
– How the terminal works
– How to learn command usage in a few seconds
– How to navigate in the terminal
– How to create, read, update, and delete files/folders in bash
– How to use piping in bash
– How to chain commands with conditional operators
– How to simplify commands with bash aliases
– The special bash file types
– How to customize the terminal
– How to securely connect to your Pi with one command
– How to improve uptime in general
– How to keep your Pi’s power on for longer
– How to keep your Pi safe from physical damage
– How to keep your Pi safe from DDoS attacks
– How to schedule tasks with cron
– Basic web development (HTML, CSS, JS)
– How to make web apps mobile responsive with Bootstrap 5
– How to add and customize CSS themes
– How to access your website anywhere, from a phone or desktop
– How to convert web apps to personal web apps

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