Complete Internet of Things - IoT course

Complete Internet of Things – IoT course


This course is Designed to make strong foundation and prepare professional or student to grow their career in the field of IoT ( Internet of Things )
Apart from the video lectures, This course has Articles on each and every topic which help students to understand better.
The quiz are designed to assist student to increase its knowledge about every topic.
This course is fully focused on giving you knowledge about Everything related to IoT, like Internet, Electronics, IoT boards, sensors, actuators, Coding, interfacing of sensors and actuators with IoT boards including Coding part and cloud also, so that student can learn everything about IoT technology.
And we have discussed the Real life example of IoT ( Internet of Things ) so that you can connect and understand more about IoT ( Internet of Things ) as well as we have included basic electronic part which help you to understand about how to built circuits.
after that you are going to learn the programming for IoT board ( Arduino UNO & NodeMCU ) in this you will create 8+ projects and after that you will get know about cloud and how you can use it with IoT and lots more.
Then the you will get know about How you can become IoT expert in 5-6 months. In last you have a message from instructor side .

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