Complete Infoblox Tech Training NIOS BloxOne P2BloxOne

Complete Infoblox Tech Training (NIOS/BloxOne) P2/BloxOne


During This Second Portion Of “Complete Infoblox Technical Training (NIOS/BloxOne)” , we are going to explain and discover the main pillars of infoblox bloxone and how to use it inside our corporate network .

Firstly , we are going to see how to use DDI within BloxOne and how to manage DNS and DHCP using an on prem host in our DC that can contact infoblox bloxone to start taking instruction from it to be executed inside our environment . We are going to review quickly on the theoretical stuff for DNS and DHCP before we get started with our labs and practice . Then there are some labs that we’ll do related to DNS and DHCP through bloxone .

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