Complete CodeIgniter 3 Series with Bootstrap 4 + Projects

Complete CodeIgniter 3 Series with Bootstrap 4 + Projects


In this series, you will learn where you can start using CodeIgniter with the world’s robust front-end framework, Bootstrap 4.

In this series, we will cover every fundamental concept; once we complete the basics, I will teach you how to create web applications and Websites.

I will give you some concepts related to templates and why you need to break your HTML content into multiple views. 

I will teach you how to use Helpers, libraries, and query builder; you will learn how to create your application using MVC (Model View Controller) approach. You will learn how to validate your forms from the server-side, and I will give you some tricks and tips related to security. You will also learn CodeIgniter’s practical work with Bootstrap 4; I will teach you how to send/receive data with AJAX(without page refresh). We use jQuery to send data from the client to Server with AJAX.

I will give some concepts related to ORM(Object Relational Mapping)

You will learn how you can create  Login and Sign up the system in this series; I will perform CRUD operation to understand the essential process of CodeIgniter quickly. I will polish your skills, and you will realize it.

In the Advance Codeigniter, I will teach you how to create an SEO-friendly URL using Routes.

We will create a paging system like WordPress to understand the concepts of dynamic routes quickly. We will discuss the multiple files uploading in CodeIgniter and how to upload the files using AJAX. I will cover the cache mechanism of how and why we use it.

We will also discuss the third-party templates that integrate with your system; I will also teach you how to create the admin panel to quickly understand how to manage your site from a single admin panel.

Before starting the second project, you have to familiar with AJAX In Codeigniter. I will teach you AJAX to quickly understand how to perform CRUD operations in Codeigniter using AJAX.

You will learn how to create an E-commerce system with jquery and AJAX using CodeIgniter in the second project.

And Finally, what about the latest update of Codeigniter 4..? Yes, we are going to cover Codeigniter 4. In this series, while learning Codeigniter 4, we start from zero. How can you download the Codeigniter, and how many ways is it available to download it.

We also cover the new things like data modeling in Codeigniter 4, Data seeding Database Seeding, and even the modern concepts of creating the models, controllers, views.

Some impressive functionality like pagination, services library, and env files also discuss the new folder structure in Codeigniter 4.

And the remarkable thing in this series is the project work,  and yes, you will learn how you can create/design your eCommerce system from scratch.

That means the admin panel where you can add your products, specs, etc., and your user panel where your user can view the orders, favorite items, and much more.

And how you can embed the third-party templates in Codeigniter and make that template dynamic.

Learn many more things in this series because I always provide quality education

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