Cloud Security & Container Security using AQUA, Trivy & Snyk

Cloud Security & Container Security using AQUA, Trivy & Snyk


Course Updates:

v 3.0 – April 2023

  • Updated course with lectures on False Positive Analysis for Container Security scans using Snyk
  • Updated course with Security Engineer Resources for Interview – OWASP TOP 10

v 2.0 – Feb 2023

  • Updated course with lectures and notes on Container Security scan using Snyk
  • Updated course with lectures and notes on Container Security scan using Snyk
  • Updated course with lectures and notes on Container Security scan using Docker Scan

v 1.0 – June 2022

  • Updated course with notes on Docker Commands in Section 3
  • Updated course with GitHub Repo for Sample Dockerfile in Section 3
  • Added Quizzes to the course in Section 3

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