CBT Microsoft Certified Azure Administrator Associate AZ-104

CBT Microsoft Certified Azure Administrator Associate AZ-104

Microsoft Certified Azure Administrator Associate (AZ-104) Online Training
Microsoft updated the exam associated with this course on March 26, 2021. This course will be updated to reflect the recent changes.
This entry-level Microsoft Azure Administrator training prepares Azure administrators to take the AZ-104 exam, which is the one required exam to earn the Microsoft Certified Azure Administrator Associate certification.

If your organization uses Microsoft Azure, you’re probably already well familiar with the security and compliance offerings, or the open source language and framework support, or the integration with hybrid, on-premise, and multi-cloud environments.

But the strengths of Microsoft’s package of cloud solutions aren’t always accessible out-of-the-box. Any organization that moves its applications support, data management or networks to the cloud needs trained and certified Azure administrators. The AZ-104 certifying exam is one of the most recent additions to the family of certifications that set an administrator apart as an expert in implementing, managing and monitoring Azure services, and this training will prepare you for passing it.

For anyone who leads an IT team, this Microsoft training can be used for AZ-104 exam prep, onboarding new Azure administrators, individual or team training plans, or as a Microsoft reference resource

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