C# Minimal API in .NET 6 with Visual Studio 2022

C# Minimal API in .NET 6 with Visual Studio 2022


November 2021 represents significant date for every developer interested in C# and its related tools and technologies.

On November 2021 Microsoft lunched new C# version, version 10, new .NET CORE version, Version 6, new Visual Studio, version 2022, and many more.

One of the greatest changes is lunch of minimal API’s! A new minimal way of writing C# API’s.

This changes everything, from the way of thinking about C# API to its new minimal look and feel.

Lets together get skilled in all of the C# new technologies in a projects in which we will create new .NET 6 minimal API from zero to the end.

We will start with an preexisting regular REST .NET 5 C# web API which we will use for features guidance’s and beside it create new .NET 6 minimal API project which we will compare to the old ways of writing API’s.

I’m Luke, Senior Full Stack Software Engineer and lets together get skills and knowledge for building C# newest minimal API’s.

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