Building a Web App with Angular

Building a Web App with Angular

This course will walk you through building a web app from scratch using ASP.NET Core 3.0, Visual Studio, Entity Framework Core 3.0, Bootstrap 4, and Angular (v8)

Hello! My name is Shawn Wildermuth, and welcome to Building a Web App with ASP.NET Core, MVC, Entity Framework Core, Bootstrap, and Angular. In this course, you will be building a website from scratch using the latest version of Microsoft’s ASP.NET Core framework. You will get there by learning about major topics like explaining.NET Core, learning the basics of web technologies like HTML, JavaScript and CSS. You’ll also be exploring technologies inside of ASP.NET Core like Entity Framework Core, using ASP.NET Identity, building APIs with ASP.NET MVC, and deploying your app to the server or the cloud. In addition, you’ll be building an Angular application to show you how to mix server and client-side development in ASP.NET Core. By the end of this course, you will be able to build websites and APIs using ASP.NET Core. Before you begin, make sure you are already familiar with C#. Exposure to Visual Studio would help too but is not required. After this course, you’ll have a very basic understanding of all the technologies used, but would benefit from moving on to more in-depth courses on Angular, API design, and web development. I hope you’ll join me, and I look forward to helping you on your learning journey here at Pluralsight.

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