Build your first desktop application using tkinter

Build your first desktop application using tkinter


Hello everyone,

We know that Python became the most popular programming language and a lot of like to share his work with friends professors… But sometimes it is a little bit ugly to share a script instead of sharing something more accurate like a GUI that could be used by anyone.

So in this course, I will go with you step by step to show you how you can create a desktop application from scratch using Python and Tkinter. So for that, we will start by knowing the basics of Tkinter (even if you have never used it before) then we will start doing some projects so that you can add them to your portfolio.

For that, we will create a desktop application that converts PNG images into JPG using only Python functions then we will create an application that has the role of an audiobook so that you can share it with your friends and finally I will show you how you can deploy your deep learning model in a Tkinter application then you create an executable file for your application so that you can share it or put it in your portfolio

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