Build School Management System Python, PyQt5 & Qt Designer

Build School Management System Python, PyQt5 & Qt Designer

Welcome to Build School Management System | Python, PyQt5 & Qt Designer Course

Do you want to get in depth knowledge in Python GUI programming using Pyqt. This course teaches how to develop a complete school management system project using python pyqt. This project teaches how to create form designs using Qt Designer and how to integrate the user interface with python file.

This course teaches how to create a login form, student details form, attendance details form, mark details form, fees details form using Qt Designer.

How to create Labels, Images, Text fields (Line Edit), Multi line text fields (Text Edit), Combo boxes, Message boxes, Buttons, Tab widgets, Menu bars, Table widgets are explained using Qt Designer

How to create Mysql database, how to create tables in the database, how to insert data, update data, delete data and select data from user interface to mysql database through python code are explained in this course.

The students will learn how to develop the following modules using Qt Designer and write python code to connect with user interface and with mysql database.

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