Build Private Chat App with React and Firebase version 9

Build Private Chat App with React and Firebase version 9


In this course we will build a private chat app with React and Firebase. We will use firebase SDK version 9.

There are breaking changes in firebase version 9 as it is based on modular approach.
We will utilize:
Firebase Authentication
to authenticate users in our app (register / login)
Firebase Firestore
to store users information and messages
Firebase Storage
to store images
About Project
First user will have to create an account or login. Upon successful authentication, will be redirected to chat page. We will also give ability to user to upload photo to firebase storage which will be used as user’s avatar.
In chat page, we will show list of all the registered users and when we click on any user, we will be able to start conversation with that user. User will also be able to send image in message
We will also work on letting users know whether someone is online or offline. Also, if there is a new message we will show a notification / indicator as well as if user have any previous conversations with other users, he will be able to see the last message sent or received.
If you have basic knowledge of react with hooks and you are willing to learn how to work with firebase authentication, firestore database and firebase storage then this course is for you.

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