Build a URL Shortner App with Django

Build a URL Shortner App with Django


App Development is just a hot topic right now employment for developers sky rocketing. More employers are looking to find developers who have a good understanding of the backend and the front end. If you want to build your very own practical application to showcase then this course if for you.

In this course you will learn how to build a web app from scratch that will enable you to host your very own URL shortening service using Django and Python. In this course your will learn:

1) How to Install Django and its Dependencies

2) Django Setup and Migrations

3) Logic Code Walkthrough

4) Data Storage with SQLite3

5) Setup HTML and Forms with Bootstrap

6) Data Retrieval and Query Sets

7) Deployment and Demo

We will walk through each phase above step by step. Feel free to watch at your own pace and revert back to parts that you need to review again. Developing this app should help you refine your python skills, educate you on the Django framework, give you an intro to bootstrap and enable you to work with data. In the end you will have knowledge on how to setup Django, built a URL shortening service that you can deploy with your own domain.

Enjoy the course

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