Build a full stack NFT Marketplace using Solidity & Next js

Build a full stack NFT Marketplace using Solidity & Next js


If you are a part of the cryptocurrency space, there is a chance you might have heard of this trending digital asset known as NFT. This course covers everything you need for a decentralized NFT application according to the ERC721 standard. Users will be able to sell and purchase NFTs with Ether in our marketplace.

You’ll learn how to build a full stack NFT marketplace on Ethereum with Solidity, IPFS, Next.js, Ethers.js, and Hardhat. We’ll start from scratch, creating a new hardhat project and installing the dependencies. We’ll then write and test out the smart contracts. Once the tests have passed, we’ll write the front end code to connect the smart contracts. NFT metadata will be stored on Pinata which is an IPFS based storage.

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