Build a Complete Portfolio Website using Laravel 8 in (2021)

Build a Complete Portfolio Website using Laravel 8 in (2021)


Now a day’s web development field is becoming is more completive as well as transforming from old school techniques to modern updated technologies. From the job market as well as client demands PHP is getting more popularities from the past. The statistics shows that, 78.9% websites are running with PHP.

Laravel is a popular web framework built with PHP. It is popular because it has some unique features which is customizable built in authentication system, blade engine any many more. You can develop a simple blog/portfolio website or any large-scale application easily using Laravel. You can also push functionalities to your website using package.

Enough about Laravel !!! Let’s talk about what we’ll develop: Personal Portfolio website allows admin to set title or subtitle of your website beside that admin can also upload resume for downloading it from the front end. Admin also can manage about me texts, experience, education, projects, skills and also the subscribers lists & footer links.

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