Bug Bounty Hunting With Burp Suite

Bug Bounty Hunting With Burp Suite


In this course you will learn about:-

Burp Suite Introduction

Why you need Burpsuite PRO

Burpsuite Pro vs free

Which version is best

BurpSuite Community Tricks

Tips For Burpsuite Pro

Proxy:- Firefox Proxy, multiple proxies, Upstream proxy, 

Repeater:- Websockets, Requests

Intruder :- types of attack , payload types, Intruder grep match , grep XSS payloads, sequencers

Comparer between requests

Extender:- extender API, Bapp Store, Environment Setup,

Burpsuite Extensions

Collaborator Client

Top 15 Extensions

Attacks on Live website

How to setup android lab

what is ADB

what is a virtual device

how to intercept traffic from an android device

how to do SSL-unpinning Bypass using Xposed Framework

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