Bootstrap 4 for the Developer

Bootstrap 4 for the Developer

A beautiful app or webpage is just a few easy-to-remember class attributes away; Bootstrap is easy to implement, will save you time, and will help you avoid headaches. In this course, Bootstrap 4 for the Developer, you’ll examine Bootstrap 4 and learn how to use this popular and compelling open source front-end component library. First, you’ll examine how to install Bootstrap – an effortless process that allows for customization via precompiled CSS, Sass variables and mixins, and incredible JavaScript APIs. Next, you’ll explore Bootstrap’s responsive grid system, and how it can help you achieve an appealing layout with minimal effort. You’ll also dive into various other aspects of Bootstrap, including navigation, typography, buttons, images, tables, and forms. Finally, you’ll discover Bootstrap’s extensive prebuilt components and powerful plugins built on jQuery. Even if you’re not a graphic designer, there are plenty of Bootstrap 4 themes to get your app or webpage on its way, and by the end of this course you’ll be able to get started.

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