Blockchain Programming Fundamentals Ethereum and Solidity

Blockchain Programming Fundamentals Ethereum and Solidity


Do you want to become a blockchain developer on Ethereum and don’t know where to start?

  • Are you intimidated by all the buzz around blockchain, digital tokens and smart contracts?
  • Do you want to learn a quick and easy way to create and send your own digital tokens and NFTs to your friends?
  • Want to learn the basic elements, and use the tools you need as a blockchain developer, and start to create your very own smart contracts and DApps on Ethereum?

If your answer to any of these questions is YES, then this is the course for you!

This highly-focused, action oriented course is truly unique, as it has been designed so that you learn to quickly use the most popular blockchain programming tools that allow the creation of Smart ContractsDAppsNFT Videogames and much more.

In the course you will learn the following:

  • Introduction to the basic concepts of blockchain and smart contracts.
  • A complete tour of the Ethereum blockchain smart contract programming tool known as Remix IDE.
  • Visualization of the properties of transactions and blocks through the transactions executed in the blockchain.
  • Create your very own local blockchain using Ganache, one of the key tools you need to know as a developer on Ethereum.
  • Deploy Remix IDE Smart Contracts on the Ganache blockchain.
  • Implement your very own personal Metamask wallet for the creation and deployment of Smart Contracts.
  • Deploy smart contracts on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) blockchain through Remix IDE and Metamask.
  • Learn about and use Truffle, the number one tool used in the deployment of DApps and NFT Videogames.
  • Access the Solidity code for ERC-721 (NFT) and ERC-20 Tokens on OpenZeppelin.
  • Successfully develop your first Smart Contract for ERC-20 Tokens using Solidity.
  • You will be able to send your ERC-20 Tokens to your friends.
  • Develop your own smart contract to issue NFT Tokens with Solidity.
  • Learn how you can send your NFT Tokens to your friends.

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