Automatic Number Plate Recognition OCR Web App in Python

Automatic Number Plate Recognition OCR Web App in Python

mage Processing and Object Detection is one of the areas of Data Science and has a wide variety of applications in the industries in the current world. Many industries looking for a Data Scientist with these skills. This course covers modeling techniques including labeling Object Detection data (images), data preprocessing, Deep Learning Model building (InceptionResNet V2), evaluation, and production (Web App)

We start this course Project Architecture that was followed to Develop this App in Python. Then I will show how to gather data and label images for object detection for Licence Plate or Number Plate using Image Annotation Tool which is open-source software developed in python GUI (pyQT).

Then after we label the image we will work on data preprocessing, build and train deep learning object detection model (InceptionResnet V2) in TensorFlow 2. Once the model is trained with the best loss, we will evaluate the model. I will show you how to calculate the

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