Arduino for Makers - Only for Makers!

Arduino for Makers – Only for Makers!


I’ll be so bold and say a short sentence about me 😀 My name is Olli and I study Mechatronics and Information Technology in the now already 6th semester at the KIT in Karlsruhe, Germany.

I personally have a lot of fun creating my own projects with Arduino. If you feel the same way then you have my blessing to buy the course! And if you don’t enjoy playing around with Arduino … well, why are you looking for an Arduino course anyway

So the most important thing is clarified: You want to buy the course to bring your skills to the next level and you will have fun doing so. Furthermore you already have some experience with the Arduino. You have a good understanding of the basics and know for example how to switch pins high/low, how to read digital/analog values, what the difference between digital and analog values is and you have a rough intuition on voltage, current & resistors.

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