Arduino Battery

Arduino Battery Level Monitor

Keep an eye on your batteries charged level with this Arduino-based battery level monitor, this course will teach you how to build an Arduino-based voltage indicator.

And the indicator shows the status of the battery by lighting LEDs on a LED bar graph, depending on the battery voltage reading.

But if you don’t have a LED bar graph available around, you can always use normal LEDs like what we would use in this course.

We will also show you how to display the reading on an LCD display that is 16*2, and we will explain everything about it in this course.

Now let’s talk about why.

Why would you want to know your battery level?

Have you experienced building a battery-operated project? Then suddenly it won’t work because it needs to be charged.

We all know that batteries come with a certain voltage limit exceeding or completely losing the battery voltage can lead to a lot of frustration.

It also can lead to component damage or data loss, so wouldn’t it be nice to be able to monitor the battery’s level so you can decide whether it needs to be charged or replaced?

That’s what this course is about and that what this course will do for you.

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