API for beginners using Python Flask Postman

API for beginners using Python Flask Postman

API stands for Application Programming Interface. An API is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other.  In other words, an API is the messenger that delivers your request to the provider that you’re requesting it from and then delivers the response back to you.

When developers create code, they don’t often start from scratch. APIs enable developers can make repetitive yet complex processes highly reusable with a little bit of code. The speed that APIs enable developers to build out apps is crucial to the current pace of application development.

Python is one of the most in-demand programming languages.  Flask is a framework created using Python.Python and flask can be used to create different types of applications.

Postman is a popular API client that makes it easy for developers to create, share, test and document APIs. This is done by allowing users to create and save simple and complex HTTP/s requests, as well as read their responses.

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