ABC Python Automation For Network Engineer

ABC Python Automation For Network Engineer


This course help you to access in networking automation and use it , Many engineer take time to send configuration when you have a lot of network devices ,
By Starting this course will help you how to use automation in your duties at least you know the basic configuration and how act with Pytho
Benefit of this course that we have start from zero no need to have background in Python
Another thing each concepts you learn you must take an exercise about it with Python to practice every concept
Otherwise you learn how to install Networking tools to practice well such as VM-Ware and Pnet LAB
Python allows you to build scripts to automate complex network configuration. It is the most widely used programming language for software-defined networking, and is a critical skill for new network engineers.
Learn the fundamentals of the language, including objects and variables, strings, loops, and functions.
Learning a higher level language like Python will get you up and coding faster and more efficiently. Generally, if you are interested in networking and are looking for a coding language, Python or Go is probably your best choice
Professionally, Python is great for backend web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and scientific computing. Many developers have also used Python to build productivity tools, games, and desktop apps, so there are plenty of resources to help you learn how to do those as well.

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