CCA175 Exam Practice Qs (Inc Spark 2.4 Hadoop Cluster VM)

CCA175 Exam Practice Qs (Inc Spark 2.4 Hadoop Cluster VM)


Prepare for the data analysis section of the CCA Spark & Hadoop Developer certification and pass the CCA175 exam on your first attempt.

Students enrolling on this course can be 100% confident that after working on the problems contained here they will be in a great position to pass the data analysis section of the CCA175 exam on their first attempt.

As the number of vacancies for big data, machine learning & data science roles continue to grow, so too will the demand for qualified individuals to fill those roles.

It’s often the case the case that to stand out from the crowd, it’s necessary to get certified.

This exam preparation series has been designed to help YOU pass the Cloudera certification CCA175, this is a hands-on, practical exam where the primary focus is on using Apache Spark to solve Big Data problems.

On solving the problems contained here you’ll have all the necessary skills & the confidence to handle any data analysis related questions that come your way in the exam.

(a) There are 30 problems in this part of the exam preparation series. All of which are directly related to the data analysis component of the CCA175 exam syllabus.

(b) Fully worked out solutions to all the problems.

(c) Also included is the Verulam Blue virtual machine which is an environment that has a spark Hadoop cluster already installed so that you can practice working on the problems.

• The VM contains a Spark stack which allows you to read and write data to & from the Hadoop file system as well as to store metastore tables on the Hive metastore.

• All the datasets you need for the problems are already loaded onto HDFS, so you don’t have to do any extra work.

• The VM also has Apache Zeppelin installed with fully executed Zeppelin notebooks that contain solutions to the problems

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