Micrologix 1400 PLC

Setup the Micrologix 1400 PLC for Modbus RS485 Communication

Upon seeing the title of this course, you may think that it is overly specific. After all, the Modbus protocol is by far the most popular open communications protocol in the automation industry, and hundreds of devices from different manufacturers are Modbus compliant. 

So why concentrate on just one specific PLC? Well, it’s based on almost 2 years of feedback from persons enrolled in my courses. It turns out that the Allen-Bradley Micrologix Series of PLCs is insanely popular, especially the 1400. I have received so very many questions asking advice on the configuration of Modbus on this device, that I finally decided to make a course on the subject.

The course is short, gets to the point quickly and is ultra-practical. In it, I give you what you need to know to perform a very specific task, the configuration of Modbus on the PLC in both Modbus master and slave modes. 

In each mode, after performing the configuration, I demonstrate the communication by creating a very simple 2-device network. So this course will imitate real-world conditions as closely as possible. We will be configuring and testing. That’s what happens in the real world, that’s what you would do in your job.

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