React Masterclass - Use React to create Front-ends like Professionals Do

React Masterclass – Use React to create Front-ends like Professionals Do

About This Class

Hi, I am Alex and this is React Masterclass.

If you want to write react apps like pros do, like people in big corporations, not just writing code for the sake of writing code, if you want to master react or if you never tried react but want to learn it then you’re in the right place.

We will structure the app we are going to build as if it’s a corporate project with all the tools, practices, and features for building a serious user interface. Why am I so convinced that it’s the right place? That’s because I will tackle react, and explain it to you in simple ways but I’m not going to give you just everything in a nutshell, no no… we are going to go deep into every aspect of React so after you finish this course you’ll have a good understanding of how to build react application that you can apply for a job or an internship, although I would say that an internship will not give you more information compared to what this masterclass has to offer.

Also, we will build a relatively small personal website so after you finish you will have a personal website that you can put out there and people can visit.

I made this course as complete as I could but I did not overload it with repetitive information but I try to give you everything you need to know in order to build with react as a professionals do.

This course is for everyone, If you are experienced at React, you will learn new things for sure, but if you’re new to react, then you have a lot to learn, and here you have everything you need to know, from the fundamentals, the inner workings to how to make a production frontend that has everything.

This masterclass has everything you need to know to work as a react engineer in a company. Oh, and by the way, at the end of the course I will tell you how is it to work in a company as a react engineer.

Quick note. This masterclass assumes you already know javascript at least at a basic level. The ideal is if you have built a website with HTML, CSS and Javascript before

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