Getting started in IoT ESP8266 MQTT

Getting started in IoT, ESP8266 ,MQTT

Get hands-on with Internet of Things (IoT). Learn to control and monitor anything from anywhere. IoT is predicted to be one of the next big thing in technology. It is defined as the network of physical objects – devices, vehicles, buildings and other items – embedded with sensors, electronics, software and network connectivity that enables these objects to get the ability to sense and communicate.

There are now about 4.6 billion connected devices excluding phones, tablets and laptops. A number that is expected to increase to 15.3 billion in the next five years according to the Ericsson Mobility report. A recent study released by Gartner says that 43% of all companies are using or plan to implement an IoT application and that’s Industry 4.0

We have designed to course in a way that anyone can follow; You will learn everything from the fundamentals.

There are no requisites for this Course.


  • Learn to work with NodeMCU
  • Arduino Programming
  • Controlling devices using webpage in a Local network
  • Build Android Apps using MIT App Inventor
  • Publish sensor data to cloud (Adafruit IO)
  • Use IFTTT and control devices using Google Voice Assistant
  • Build a Home Automation Project
  • Working with Firebase DB

Who is this program for?

  • College Students
  • Working Professionals
  • Research Scholars & Professors
  • Hobbyists

We recommend you to have the below hardware ready before starting this course.

  • NodeMCU Development Board – 1
  • Micro USB cable – 1
  • LED 5mm – 1
  • LDR Sensor Module – 1
  • 5 Volts Relay Module – 1
  • Jumper Cables – 3

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