AWS Lambda and the Serverless Framework – Hands On Learning!

AWS Lambda and the Serverless Framework – Hands On Learning!


AWS Lambda and the Serverless Framework is the QUICKEST way to get started in the serverless world, to deploy AWS Lambda functions in Amazon Web Services that infinitely scale without managing any servers!

This course, unlike others, has an approach that teaches you how to properly deploy AWS Lambda functions from the very first lectures.

  • no manual work through the AWS UI
  • all your configuration and deployment is coded using YAML and the Serverless framework
  • no headaches packaging your functions as zip files

AWS Lambda is a fantastic tool to master when learned the right away.

  • save in cost – you only pay per usage
  • save in operational burden – no servers to manage!
  • scale automatically from 0 to millions of API calls.

For this course, we’ll deploy several real world functions to AWS Lambda:

  • An automated thumbnail generation service on S3 (Python)
  • A REST API using AWS API Gateway & Lambda (nodeJS)
  • An EC2 automation to start and stop instances on schedule (Python)

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