Machine Learning on AWS SageMaker for Beginners

Machine Learning on AWS SageMaker for Beginners


This course is designed for the students who are at their initial stage or at the beginner level in learning the Machine Learning concepts integrated with cloud computing using the Amazon AWS Cloud Services.

This course focuses on what cloud computing is, followed by some essential concepts of Machine Learning. It also has practical hands-on lab exercises which covers a major portion of setting up the basic requirements to run projects on SageMaker

This course covers five (5) projects of different machine learning algorithms to help students learn about the concepts of ML and how they can run such projects in the AWS SageMaker environment. Below is list of projects that are covered in this course:

1- Titanic Survival Prediction

2- Boston House Price Prediction

3- Population Segmentation using Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

4- Population Segmentation using KMeans Clustering

5- Handwritten Digit Classification (MNIST Dataset)

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