Learning Java Object Oriented Programming

Learning Java Object Oriented Programming

You can accomplish quite a lot in Python, while keeping your programs relatively small, and easy to digest. But as your projects get larger and more complex, you’ll soon need a way to keep your programs and data organized, extensible, and easy to adapt and change, as new team members are brought on to the project. Hi, I’m Joe Marini, and I’ve been building software for some of the best-known companies in Silicon Valley for more than 30 years. In this course, we’re going to learn about the object-oriented programming features of Python, and how they could be put to work in your projects. We’ll start with the basics of defining and using classes and objects, then we’ll learn about some of the more advanced features, like abstract base classes, and how to implement interfaces. We’ll also see how to use some of Python’s unique features, like the “magic” class methods you can use to tightly integrate your objects with the Python language itself, and we’ll see how to use Python’s data classes to build objects that efficiently store and manipulate information. These techniques will enable you to build programs that are modular, resilient, and extensible.

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